Our service -

Fast availability

Our spare parts warehouse

On more than 4000m² and with a pallet storage capacity of approx. 2500 spaces we store spare and wear parts, as well as components for your WIPA machines and plants and offer a reliable and fast process and minimize unexpected downtimes.

Create clear facts

Spare parts for all cases

Stock item
50000 +
m² storage space
Pallet bays

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Highest customer satisfaction

Our service promise

We offer a powerful service network that ensures reliable and economical operation of your plants worldwide. With our extensive expertise, we are always at your side to provide optimum support for your systems.

Our unwavering service promise is: We are there for you, with passion, always individually tailored and always striving to meet your needs and requirements.

Your satisfaction is our success!

Our Service Hotline

+49 2563 20585-40

Individual solution for your challenge

Turn Key Projects

“Turn Key Projects” or turnkey projects are our specialty. As knowledgeable and passionate experts, we stand by your side from start to finish to deliver customized solutions. We listen carefully to you and understand your requirements in order to develop an individual solution that is perfectly tailored to your needs.

Our ultimate goal is to provide you with a seamless and efficient process. Through continuous process optimization, we ensure that your project runs smoothly and is completed on schedule. No matter how complex your project, we accept the challenge. Our solution-oriented approach allows us to overcome obstacles and find innovative solutions to meet your needs.

Turn Key Projects

Engineering in detail

What is being done?

Explained in detail:

In the area of research and development, we are committed to designing innovative solutions in accordance with our company’s objectives. Our focus is on the design and assembly of new machines and the optimization of existing equipment. We are always striving to improve the performance of our machines and integrate new technologies to provide our customers with optimal solutions.

Our team of experts uses its extensive know-how to develop efficient and reliable machines. We take into account not only the technical requirements, but also aspects such as sustainability, safety and user-friendliness. Through careful design and assembly, we ensure that the machines meet the highest quality standards. In addition, we attach great importance to the continuous optimization of existing machines. We analyze their performance, look for potential weaknesses and develop solutions to increase efficiency and reduce operating costs. In this way, we help to improve the productivity of our customers’ plants and strengthen their competitiveness.

Another important area of our activity is the programming and commissioning of prototypes. We develop customized software solutions that enable smooth integration of the machines into existing production processes. Our experts ensure that the prototypes work effectively and fulfill all the required functions.

Overall, in the area of research and development, we are working to push the boundaries of what is technically feasible and to find innovative solutions to the challenges faced by our customers. Through our continuous search for improvements and our willingness to explore new technologies, we remain pioneers in our industry and contribute to the advancement of the industry as a whole.

What do we offer?

Explained in detail:

Our extensive range of services in the field of software and programming focuses on the effective control and monitoring of machines and plants. By using programmable logic controllers (PLC), we enable precise and reliable control of the processes. In doing so, we take into account the individual requirements of our customers and develop customized solutions.

In addition to control, we also offer plant visualization by means of HMI system. With user-friendly interfaces, we enable intuitive operation and monitoring of the systems. To ensure that our customers can use the full potential of the HMI systems, we also offer extensive user training.

Parameterization, testing and optimization of drive systems with frequency inverters are also part of our range of services. We ensure that the drive systems operate efficiently and precisely to guarantee optimum performance of the machines and plants.
Another focus is on the (further) development of company-wide library modules. By standardizing and reusing program code, we improve the efficiency and quality of software development.

We also have extensive experience in programming and testing safety-related software. In doing so, we attach great importance to compliance with international norms and standards to ensure maximum safety.

To ensure the reliability of our systems, we carry out control cabinet tests with IO-Check. In this way, we identify possible errors and ensure that all components function properly.

For seamless integration of the plants, we offer interface programming to higher-level control systems. This enables our customers to optimally coordinate and monitor their processes. To optimize customer service, we offer remote maintenance for our equipment. Access to the systems allows us to respond quickly to problems and enable efficient troubleshooting. In addition, we support the customer service staff with remote maintenance work and offer technical support for questions and problems.

Overall, we offer comprehensive software and programming solutions to ensure that our customers’ machines and systems function optimally, are controlled efficiently and deliver maximum performance. Our expertise and experience enable us to develop tailor-made solutions for a wide range of requirements and support our customers’ success.

Explained in detail:

In our company we undertake the design of machines and have a wide range of tasks. We configure our machines on a project basis and store them behind the corresponding orders. In addition, we are continuously working on the further development and optimization of our machines to improve their performance.

Another important area is project-related redesign, for example of workbenches or transitions. Here we develop customized solutions that meet the individual requirements of our customers. We create technical drawings, assembly drawings and machine installation plans to ensure precise implementation.

The creation of parts lists, which we integrate into ProAlpha, is also one of our tasks. This enables us to ensure efficient materials management and smooth production. In close coordination with the sales department and the project managers, we design and develop customer layouts to ensure that the machines can be optimally integrated into the production process.

As part of our project responsibility and project work, we take care of technical clarifications, inquiries and agreements with other departments, such as work preparation or purchasing. In this way, we ensure that all relevant aspects are taken into account and that the projects can be implemented successfully. In addition, we create graphics for documentation in order to make our work transparent and comprehensible.
We offer comprehensive manufacturing documentation, including drawings, parts lists, unwindings and 3D models. These documents serve as a basis for the production and assembly of the machines. We also create assembly drawings to facilitate the assembly and installation of the machines.

For our design work we use advanced 3D CAD modeling software, in particular Autodesk Inventor. This powerful software allows us to create precise models and implement complex designs. In addition, we integrate ProAlpha into our processes to ensure efficient management of BOMs and seamless collaboration with other departments.

All in all, we offer comprehensive design services ranging from configuration and further development to new design and the preparation of production documents. Our expertise and the use of state-of-the-art software enable us to develop tailor-made solutions and supply our customers with high-quality machines.

Service is our top priority -
we are not satisfied until you are.

Thomas Dieks
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